Thursday, August 6, 2015

"Child of Privilege" News, Reviews, and Interviews

My humble novel has found some delightful fans in the United Kingdom these days.  It has been a distinct pleasure to work with some of the UK's premier blogger/reviewers in getting the word out about this up-and-coming indie novel.

I would like to thank these generous book-lovers for their enthusiasm, courtesy, and kindness toward both the book and its author.  I'm looking forward to expanding and deepening these valued literary relationships with my comrades-in-books from across the Atlantic:

Stacey and her Whispering Stories Blog have favored me with both a 4-star review and an interview that allowed me to fantasize about "Child" becoming a major motion picture (we authors LIVE on fantasies!): 

Read Along with Sue featured Sue's heartfelt and enthusiastic 5-star review which was truly gratifying: 

Holly's Bookaholic Confessions was the setting for an interview that felt more like two "book friends" enjoying an afternoon cup of tea:

Let's journey to Belgium for our last item of Euro news:

A mother-and daughter team operate M's Bookshelf.  Here's Mom's review:

Let's not forget the "stateside" news.

I recently had the pleasure of answering author Douglas Schwartz's ( 20Q.  What made this interview unique (at least for me) was the opportunity to script my own 20th question.  What do you suppose I selected for that final question?  I'll never tell; at least not here.  I can say it's a little different.  You'll have to check it out at:

For our final item, Colantha from Romancing the Book posted this review: 

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